The Matchbox Gallery Permanent Collection
  permanent      While most galleries have their foundation in selling their works, this is not the main motive behind what the Matchbox Gallery does. Most of the works in our permanent collection were commissioned by us. We did not commission these works to sell but to create a collection available to the public on a long-term basis. The production of works of excellence has many important functions, among those functions is to provide artists and members of the community with examples of their skills, abilities and successes. Visitors from around the world are able to see the wonderful artistic skills of our residents. People who live in Rankin are able to bring their families to the Matchbox to see the artistic achievements of community members. As such, the works in the permanent collection of the Matchbox are a source of pride not only for the Matchbox Collective, but the community of Rankin Inlet, the public at large, and all of the residents of Nunavut.